DragonKnight Tank
The DragonKnight tank is probably the most popular tank in ESO. They have great sustain and ability to mitigate damage. Their resource sustain and regen abilities via ultimate usage and passives make them a great overall tank to use.
Click left and right arrows to change build
Scribe Skills Loadout

Dazing Explosion
Leashing Burst
Heroic Torch
Leashing Throw

There are a multitude of combinations for each skill. These are baseline and can be swapped to what fits your need. These work great for me in majority of content

I run 20 in Mag as my DK tends to burn a bit more mag. If you feel you are burning more stam, you can go 20 into stam instead.
I built my tank's attribute/gear setups to where majority of the player base can obtain the items. This is the reason I do not go full health. You can swap out the health enchantments on armor for the multi-effect enchants, but that requires going into PVP zones which not everyone is comfortable with. If you do use them, you can swap out health enchants for those and put more attributes into health.
Dungeon/WIP Trial
Trial Tank
Bewitched Sugar Skills

Unassailable - 50
Ironclad - 50
Enduring Resolve - 50
Duelist's Rebuff - 50
Boundless Vitality - 50
Fortified - 50
Bloody Renewal- 50
Expert Evasion - 50
Use whatever you like in this tree
Champion Points
Alternative sets to have on hand as raid leaders may require these sets based on their needs and requests
Saxhleel's Champion
Powerful Assault
Spaulder of Ruin
Lucent Echoes (update 42)
Beginner/Level Tank
Mundus stone
The Lady or The Lord
Ardent Flame: All
Draconic Power: All
Earthen Heart: All
Heavy Armor: All
Sword and Shield: All
Descruction Staff: All
Fighter's Guild: intimidating | Banish |
Undaunted: Command | Mettle