Welcome to the Arcanist Runeward tank!! This tank had a couple of different versions to work from. The idea behind this tank is survivability for not only themselves but the group around them, providing buffs and debuffs for the group, heavy damage shields for themselves as well as their group, and providing a lot of utility
Fortified RuneWard
Arcanist Tank

Scribe Skills Loadout
Click left and right arrows to change build

Dazing Explosion
Leashing Burst
Leashing Throw
Beginner/Level Tank
Mundus Stone
The Lady
Curative Runeforms: All
Soldier of Apophryca: All
Herald of the Tome:
Fated Fortune | Psychic Lesion
Heavy Armor: All
Sword and Shield: All
Destruction Staff: All
Fighter's Guild: intimidating | Banish |
Undaunted: Command | Mettle
Dungeon/WIP Trial
Trial Tanks
Food: Bewitched Sugar Skills

Unassailable - 50
Ironclad - 50
Enduring Resolve - 50
Duelist's Rebuff - 50
Boundless Vitality - 50
Fortified - 50
Bloody Renewal- 50
Expert Evasion - 50
Use whatever you like in this tree
Champion Points
I run a little bit more into magicka stamina with the Arcanist as it pulls a bit more from both and health is relatively easy to manage. I really do not have many sustain issues when managed properly. You can work more into stamina or magicka depending on your needs
I built my tank's attribute/gear setups to where majority of the player base can obtain the items. This is the reason I do not go full health. You can swap out the health enchantments on armor for the multi-effect enchants, but that requires going into PVP zones which not everyone is comfortable with. If you do use them, you can swap out health enchants for those and put more attributes into health.
Alternative sets to have on hand as raid leaders may require these sets based on their needs and requests
Claw Of Yolnakriin
Powerful Assault
Spaulder of Ruin
Quick note that Arcanists have a native skill that gives Minor Courage which essentially replaces Claw of Yolnakriin. Keep in mind that it is not as efficient as Yoln so make sure you have it with you or as needed. Healer will typically run the skill, but tanks can run it as well